Big Don's Blog

At last, a place for me to ruminate and offer my own stylistic, sincere, and silly ideas.

Thursday, February 08, 2007


‘Gimme a head with hair, long beautiful hair…”

Mona has declared the word of the day as “Hair”. Now, I don’t have a head full of hair, because of my high testosterone level (thanks Grandpa!). My body makes up for it everywhere else, it seems.

What is curious is that last night, before I read Mona’s blog, I was thinking of that very song from the 60’s musical. It popped into my head after hearing “Aquarius” on a TV commercial. Yes, Madison Ave is still going back to our ‘Baby Boomer” roots. On the upside, there was some very good music written back then. But, again, I digress.

Although I am relatively comfortable with my baldness, I do often wonder what I would look like with a full head of hair, like in my youth. I started loosing my hairline when I was 20, and have had the recession continue ever since. Still, I have never felt that it kept me from being liked and/or loved. I never wanted to do the comb-over, so that has not been an issue. I had a professor in college who did the comb-over and I realized that it did look ridiculous.


There once was a woman so fair
With beautiful long blonde hair
She wore it around
In lieu of a gown
Which made all of the men stare.

(Yeah, I good!)


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