Big Don's Blog

At last, a place for me to ruminate and offer my own stylistic, sincere, and silly ideas.

Monday, September 11, 2006

The Intermittent Blog

I do have blogs that I visit on a (almost) daily basis, and then there are the blogs that I check in on about once a week to see if they have added anything new. I used to worry about readership and keeping current with my posts, until it stopped being an enjoyment and started being a drudge.

I have been doing some self-searching for a reason. Why am I not compelled to write as much as others? I do have thoughts and feelings, and I do enjoy expressing them (such as I am doing now). Well I do have a couple of reasons that I can definitely point to:

1) I am a lazy good-for-nothing by nature. It is not that I don’t finish anything I start, but I do tend to start many things that sort of peter out and die. I was hoping that this blog would not be one of them.

2) I often have good ideas for a post, but they happen at times when I cannot really write them down or fully develop the thought, so it sits in my brain for about 47 seconds and then I forget about it.

3) I know that I do have readers to this site because some of you have been kind enough to comment and give some support. As a ‘wanna-be’ writer, I do want to reach an audience of more than three people.

4) So, I am back to where I started, when I began this blog. What is its purpose? Whom doe sit serve? (I am having a flash back from the movie “Excalibur”.) It is my blog to allow me to vent and rant and express myself when I feel the need. Therefore, it serves me.

OK, I feel better now. I have purged some of my demons and have had the cathartic experience that I hoped for. Hey, it is Monday, and I am not quite fully caffeinated, yet. Have a good week.


Blogger lee said...

I always say that blogging is for therapy. Especially if it's late at night and you want to get silly thoughts out - brilliant! If it serves you it's all that matters :).

5:14 PM  
Blogger meno said...

You are the servee.

Worrying about your readership, in that way lies madness.

That was pretty cryptic, so i hope you get the idea, because i gotta run.

3:16 PM  
Blogger amusing said...

I find my brain wants to blog when I've set it down on a pillow. That middle of the night inspiration thing. So I write posts of SHEER GENIUS at nigh that never see the light of day (or the computer). Maybe we each need a little tape recorder -- blather and transcribe?

10:59 AM  

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